Message From The Chair
“Care home restrictions to be eased in England"
"Masks no longer legally required as plan B ends”
These are the meetings of the Harrogate & District Branch of Parkinson’s that are returning in February :-
We have decided that we will resume the following face to face meetings in February :
1. The District branch meeting at Masonic Hall Harrogate on Tuesday 8th February 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
Welcome back
Exercise classes – discussion
Introduction to Singing classes with Speech Therapy involvement
The year ahead
An opportunity to chat
2. Knaresborough drop in meeting at 10.30am – 12 noon on Tuesday 15th February at Gracious St Methodist Church Hall.
3. Ripon Support Group meeting 2.00- 4.00 pm at St Wilfrids Community Hall on 22 February 2022
Drop in coffee meetings and evening meals at Ripon and Oakdale Golf Club will resume in March