
What is Parkinson's ?
To put it simply, Parkinson's is a progressive neurological condition.
The number of people diagnosed with Parkinson's in the UK is about 145,000. That is around 1 in every 350.
In Harrogate District alone there are over 500 diagnosed.
We are your local branch of Parkinson's UK.
Parkinson's - What People Don't See

Iceberg Infographics
There's so much more to Parkinson's than people assume. We know that Parkinson's comes with hundreds of possible combinations of symptoms, many of which appear invisible to outsiders. Most people don't see the many symptoms we experience.
Iceberg represent Parkinson's symptoms because the life-impacting implications of a Parkinson's diagnosis aren't obvious on the surface.

Iceberg Infographics
There's so much more to Parkinson's than people assume. We know that Parkinson's comes with hundreds of possible combinations of symptoms, many of which appear invisible to outsiders. Most people don't see the many symptoms we experience.
Iceberg represent Parkinson's symptoms because the life-impacting implications of a Parkinson's diagnosis aren't obvious on the surface.