Denise Gibson - Team Member
I Am Who I AM
I love people, love helping them.
I have always had a 'have a go' attitude. Amongst other things abseiled down the Humber Bridge and scuba dived with sharks, raising money for charity.
I spent 10 years as a Local Magistrate.
I am always looking at new things to learn.
I spent years learning French and cycled round France on three separate occasions when I was younger.
I am currently learning the cello and learnt to play the piano a few years ago.
I love gardening and classical music.
I enjoy good entertainment
I love my friends and most of all I love my family. I absolutely adore my grandchildren.
I have a Labrador called Chester who is a real character and completely dominates us all.
Chester The Boss hates cats, naturally the Gibsons hate cats too.
What The 'Editor' Says
You can be forgiven in thinking, Denise must have been one of those annoying kids who's always the first one to put her hand up when a teacher asks a question at school, a teacher's pet if you will.
The inner bitch in everyone of us may just want to scratch her eyes out for having the ability to see clearly whatever ups and downs life can throw at you, always looking on the bright side as there's joy and happiness you can glean from however fleeting, giving credence to a widely held wisdom,
'Life is quite simple, but we insist on making it complicated.'
When first diagnosed with Parkinson's about 2 years ago and having consulted with her family and friends, with her 'Can Do' attitude she asked herself 'What can I do to help myself and others' in a similar situation.
Duly approved by Chester, she offered her services as a volunteer to PUK Harrogate Branch. Not only did she hit the ground running from Day 1, she's not afraid to get her hands dirty helping out in whatever capacity and wherever she could, making a difference helping to deliver the front line services to members, friends and family in the region.
One pop ditty just about summarises her spirit and attitude,
"I get knocked down
But I get up again
You're never gonna keep me down ......"
Fellow volunteers of Harrogate Branch are so pleased to have you on board the Team. Last but not least,
Chester 1 Scary Cats 0