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Our Unsung Hero - Volunteer Anne Johnson

Anne Johnson

Craft Workshop 

Anne Johnson - The brain and the craftswoman behind this therapeutic hand and eye coordination initiative taking place every 3rd Friday each month at The Granby 

This is what she says ......

"The craft group grew out of a chance remark on my first meeting with some of the members of Harrogate branch of PUK. I have been a self employed art and craft tutor for some time, passionately taking crafting into nursing and residential homes as well as working with much younger groups. Research clearly demonstrates that getting involved in creative activity is beneficial for both physical and mental health and well being.

So to my mind it’s a no brainer. Once a month we meet at the Granby Nursing home in Harrogate, in their beautiful library. There is always tea and coffee but as I’ve called it cake and craft there has to be cake as well!

Nothing is beyond anyone’s capability and given notice there is virtually nothing I can’t provide. It is a relaxed, chilled out afternoon with no pressure. It matters nothing to me when there are times when numbers are low – I have never held a session where no one has said something along the lines of “I’m so glad this was on today I feel so much better for being here.”

Change lives………..for the better………that’s all I ask.

Parkinson’s cake and craft is held on the third Friday of every month at the Granby Nursing home Harrogate 2-4pm. A wide range of craft activities are on offer for the minimal cost of £5. It’s also ok to come,  eat cake and have a good chat."

The feedback we receive suggests she does what she says, as in "It does what it says on the tin".The participants are all the better for taking part.

Craft and CAKE ?

What is it not to like ?

Come on down, join in the fun.

2 Anne Karen Sylvia Margaret Val_edited_


Anne Johnson

Tel: 07521 307524


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