NeuroActive Exercise Classes
NeuroActive Exercises For Parkinson's
Monday 11.15/30-12.30pm. Jennyfield Styan Community Centre. £5 per class payable by card
Suitable for those with neurological conditions who can stand, move safely and independently with a strong Parkinson's element. Working on strength, balance, dual tasking and cardiovascular fitness with large amplitude functional movements including a cognitive element.
Monday 1.00-2.15 plus coffee time. Jennyfield Styan Community Centre. £5 per class payable by card
Suitable for those with neurological conditions who may need some support to stand safely for longer periods. Some chair-based work. Working on strength, cognition, balance and cardiovascular fitness with large amplitude functional movements. Suitable for those with a mild cognitive impairment.
Thursday 9.30-10.30am Jennyfield Styan Community Centre. £5 per session payable by card
Advanced session High level class for people with Parkinson's who would like an extra challenge working on high amplitude multitasking movements and cognition for maximum neuroprotective benefits.
Group Personal Training
Thursday 3-4pm. Bilton Health and Wellbeing Hub. £10 per session payable in cash.
Max 4-5 participants depending on need. This session is suitable for those with Parkinson;s and other complex neurological issues and/or anxiety looking for an introduction to group exercise but in a small quieter environment.
All the above NeuroActive classes are conducted under the specialist guidance and supervision of Vicki Watson
BSc (Hons) in Sports, Health, Science and Nutrition
PSI (Postural Stability Instructor)
EfS (Exercise and Fitness Training after Strokes Instructor)
Exercise for long term neurological conditions